Rabu, 08 Maret 2017


 Entrepreneurial Role in Economy and National Development Entrepreneurs plays Good Operates external or internal. Secaraeksternal, entrepreneurs act as penedia Employment to review job seekers. Article Search Google absorption of labor by employment The ADA, which has provided entrepreneurs, the national unemployment rate will become MORE Operates reduced.
And Operates internal entrepreneurs who hearts Reduce dependence shown to the orangutan lying, can be increase Confidence, and increase the purchasing power shown to the culprit.

Searching Google Pages declining unemployment rate can be a positive hedge against the increase in per capita income and purchasing power of society, and the growth of national Operated Economy. In addition ITU Also, WITH Economic growth per capita can be impacted and fall of crime That is usually caused BECAUSE high unemployment.

Entrepreneurs have a very high role in conducting entrepreneurship. The role of entrepreneurship in the economy of the country, namely:

·         Create jobs
·         reducing unemployment
·         Increase incomes
·         Combining the factors of production (natural, labor, capital and expertise)
·         Improving national productivity

Entrepreneurial role in building the national economy
Economic development is a process that causes the per capita income increases. Factors that affect the economic development of developing countries. Interest in economic development is as an
increase in national income and productivity. Factors affecting these in developing countries are:

·        Capital (capital)
·         Available labor
·         Natural wealth (natural resources) real
·         Technology and entrepreneurship
·         Social and cultural characteristics of the community
·         The extent of the market
·         Economic system that is used.

Factors labor and capital inputs langusng is affecting the amount of output. While the last five factors are inputs that indirectly affects the amount of output through capital.

Entrepreneurship can be defined as a concept the ability to create something new and different to generate added value but with keberaniaan have to face the risk or uncertainty. The things that drive attention to entrepreneurship, as research in various countries that have developed innovations and related job opportunities by establishing small and medium enterprises commonly called enterepeneurial ventur.


Nama : Angger Bagus Wicaksono
Kelas : 1EA11
NPM : 18216193
Nama Dosen: Nevi Forika


Definition Simple Past Tense

 Simple past tense is the tense that serves to show the work that occurred in the past without wanting to emphasize that the work has (perfect) or moderate (continuous) done. Understanding of this tense is almost the same as the Simple Present Tense, only just a different time.

Formula Simple Past Tense

·         Positive (+)
Subject (I-You-She-He-It-We-They)+ Verb II + Object

·         Negative (-)
Subject (I-You-She-He-It-We-They)+ did not (didn’t) + Verb I + Object

·         Interrogative (?)
Did + Subject (I-You-She-He-It-We-They)+ Verb I + Object ?

Function Simple Past Tense

·         Simple past tense to talk about the action that occurs at a particular time in the past
·         Simple past tense to talk about the habit that is often done in the past. Subordinate conjunction "when" is usually used in these situations.
·         To show the two events in the past, slah a short duration of action (simple past tense) that occurs when an action other long-form (past continuous tense) is underway.
·         To show the two events in the past, slah a short duration of action (simple past tense) that occurs when an action other long-form (past continuous tense) is underway.
·         Simple past tense is used in one of the conditional sentence clausa type 2
·         To show that an action (simple past tense) occurred after another action completed in the past (past perfect tense).

Example sentences Simple Past Tense

·         She studied English last night.
·         She did not study English last night.
·         We went to Madura last year.
·         We did not go to Madura last year.
·         I wrote a letter yesterday.
·         I didn’t write a letter yesterday.



Definition Present Perfect Continuous Tense

 Present perfect continuous tense is a form of the verb used to express the action that has been completed at some point in the past or action has been started in the past and continues today.

Formula Present Perfect Continuous Tense

create a formula this tense, requires three elements:
1). Present whose characteristics are Verb-1;
2). Perfect whose characteristics are Have + Verb-3 and
3). Continuous shown to to be + Verb-ing.
So (Verb-1 + Have) + (Verb-3 + to be) + Verb-ing. The first form (verb-1) of Have is Have / has, a third form of the to be is Been + Verb-ing = S + Have + Been + Verb-ing.



S + have/has + been + V-ing
John has been sleeping since 3 hours ago
S + have/has + been + nominal
You have been in home for whole day

S + have/has + not + been + V-ing
I have not been working for a day
S + have/has + not + been + nominal
I have not been stupid like this before



Have/has + S + been + V-ing
Have you been waiting for me since two hours ago?
Have/has + S + been + nominal
Have I  been sick for three days?
Present Perfect Continuous Functions.

1.To demonstrate the activity that has been done and has continued until today.
·         She has been sleeping since one hour ago.
·         We have been walking for a whole day, but we don’t arrive yet.

2.To show just finished work and its effects can still be felt today.
·         It has just been raining all night, and the garden is still wet.
·         The fire fighter has just evacuating the victim from that building.

     Example Sentences Present Perfect Continuous Tense

·        Sandy has been typing the document for 3 hours but somehow it does not finish yet.
·         The company doesn’t promote me for a new position whereas I have been working there for ten years
·         Are you not tired? you have been speaking on the phone for couple hours.
·         Where are you Jane? your father has been looking for you since yesterday. He worries about you.
·         We have been walking around this way for an hour, but we still can’t find your wallet.

·         Gareth Bale has been playing football for Real Madrid since 2013 and has won several title.

Selasa, 07 Maret 2017



The definition of the present perfect
Present perfect tense is a verb form used to express an action or situation that  has started in the past and still continues today or have been completed at some point in time in the past, but the effect is still on going.

Present perfect formula:

Present perfect tense is formed with the auxiliary verb "have" or "has", and the past participle(verb-3). Have used for I, you, they, we, while has to he, she, it, and the third person singular. While past participle can be either regular or irregular verb.

Present perfect tense formula for sentences of positive, negative and interrogative are as follows.
Example       Present    perfect tense
Positive  (+)
S + aux. verb(have/has) + V-3/past participle
I have read the book
He has left
Negatif   (-)
S + aux. verb(have/has) + not + V-3/past participle
I have not read the book
He hasn’t left
Interogative (?)
aux. verb(have/has) + S + V-3/past participle
Have I read the book
Has he left

functions and Present perfect tense

Example sentences present perfect tense
present perfect tense to express the events of the past no matter when exactly happened.

Can you recommend the most delicious seafood restaurant in this town? Yes, I’ve visited all of them.

I’ve read this book.
Presnt perfect tense to indicate that an action occurred repeatedly in the past (adverb of number can be used).

She has called you three times.
Presnt perfect tense to express the activity or situation that began in the past then continued until now (unfinished).

I have lived in Cilegon for 3 months.

She has studied in French since April.
My brother has worked already/lately/ up to now
Present perfect tense to talk about the event that has just occurred (adverb "just" can be used).
I’ve just sent you an email.
The rain’s just stopped.