Nama : Angger
Bagus Wicaksono
Kelas : 1EA11
Npm : 18216193
Creative Economy
Economy is an economic activity where input and output are Ideas. True, the
essence of creativity is the idea. Imagine only with the idea capital, a
creative person can earn a very decent income. What kind of ideas is meant? It
is an original idea and can be protected by IPR. Examples are singers, movie
stars, songwriters, or biological micro-researchers who are researching
superior rice farietas that have never been created before.
The ability to realize creativity that is
mixed with the sense or value of art, technology, knowledge and culture becomes
the basic capital to face the economic competition, so that the creative
economy emerges as an alternative economic development in order to improve the
welfare of the community.
Creative economy is very dependent on human
capital (human capital or intellectual capital, there is also called creative
capital). Creative economy requires creative human resources of course, able to
generate ideas and translate them into the form of goods and services of
economic value. The production process may follow the rules of the industrial
economy, but the initial idea process is creativity.
To develop
the creative economy, the government must make several breakthrough steps, such
- Create a
creative industry roadmap involving various departments and circles.
- Create a
comprehensive program to drive the creative industries through education, human
resources development, design, quality and market development.
Providing legal protection and incentives for creative industry works.
Including books, writings, drama, dance, choreography, artwork, songs or music,
and architecture. Other products are patents against an invention, product or
service brand, industrial design, integrated circuit layout design and trade
government will establish an Indonesian Creative Council that will serve as a
bridge to provide facilities for creative industry players.
By boosting
the development of creative industries in the country, many benefits can be
achieved if the government and the supporters of creative economy serious in
carrying out their duties, such as:
business growing most of SMEs move in creative industry. Some of the problems
of SMEs in Indonesia, such as marketing, promotion, managerial, information,
human resources, technology, design, networking and financing are expected to
be resolved soon
- Reduce
- Reduced
unemployment rate.
conclusion from the above explanation is that the reality and phenomenon of
creative economy is actually not a new thing for Indonesia which has been
proven to have creativity asset since the first. Indonesia does not lack the
creativity capital just lacks the ability to integrate it. The government
through the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy should be able to make the
creative economy become the main supporter of the Indonesian economy in terms of
contributing an increasing amount to GDP, employment, exports and able to
encourage other economic sectors to grow optimally.