Name : Angger Bagus Wicaksono
Npm : 18216193
Class : 1EA11
See Indonesia Economic Development in the World Eye
Indonesia's economic development in the eyes of the world today is better than a few years ago. This can be evidenced by the increasing purchasing power of certain goods, and the increasing income of the people per capita, although still on a small scale. However, not all things have increased, there are still some things that have to do with Indonesia's economic decline. It is considered reasonable, because an economic growth not only can be seen from 1 field only but can be seen from berabgai kinds of fields. In addition, some aspects or other areas also contribute to the problem of economic development of Indonesia, such as social political aspects, aspects of state security and various other aspects.
The development of Indonesia in 2015
When viewed from the development of the Indonesian economy in 1998, everyone must know that the Indonesian economy suffered, due to economic attacks from various parties. But it is then that makes people think again to improve the economic tarap of Indonesia to be better and again increased like a few years earlier. This is successfully done step by step, by improving and building new infrastructure, fixing various State assets, improving quality workforce, availability of food, foreign exchange, etc. The government also does not remain silent, with packaged various things to be able to advance the economic development of Indonesia such as building various infrastructures that certainly can support the Indonesian economy such as airports, some attractions that have high selling points, improving the level of education of Indonesian society, and various things Others. In the field of banking is also thus so fixed various interest rates and various other things, and it is proven successful little by little the growth of Indonesia has increased from year to year. But even so the journey of Indonesia's economic development is not always smooth, there are all kinds of obstacles that ahrus faced. As the value of the rupiah exchange rate has decreased, the lack of foreign investment into Indonesia and other macma things. It should be considered fair, because Indonesia is not an independent country, where the country must also remain to join and depend on other countries for economic problems. For example when the rupiah fell from Rp 9,000 to about Rp 13,000 per US Dollar. There are so many aspects that cause the rupiah to decline, such as the lack of foreign confidence in the Indonesian government at that time, the declining value of Indonesian exports of some goods, and various other reasons.
The government was considered slow in handling the problem at that time, but the government is also trying to stabilize again, although considered too late.
Year 2015 yesterday the development of Indonesia is also considered good in some sides, but on the other hand the development of Indonesia is less satisfactory. When assessed globally, compared to other countries in its development Indonesia is considered better. The average economic growth is relatively stable and the level of economy is increasing although little by little compared with some other countries that suffered a severe financial crisis. While seen from several other side such as from the side of the currency, foreign exchange and investment value is not quite satisfactory. The government still has a lot of homework, such as improving the country's foreign exchange system, improving the exchange rate of rupiah against the dollar, and various other things.
Indonesia's development in 2016
At the beginning of this year Indonesia also has many unresolved tasks such as fixing interest rates and also improving the rupiah exchange rate. The fresh breeze this year is the government is currently working to improve various infrastructures in order to expedite the new program is to improve and improve the 10 kinds of tourist destinations in Indonesia to become international standard. This is deserved thumbs up, because with the launch of this program is expected the coming of foreign tourists and Indonesia's foreign exchange will also get better. Not only that, the government is also lobbying various foreign investors to invest their money in some Indonesian companies with good prospects. There are also various economic policy packages that can be used to improve the economic standard of the people of this country. Of course it takes a process that is not short and also cooperation from various parties to be able memmperbaiki economic system of this country, not only from the government alone, but various parties such as banks, investors, and society must certainly help the recovery process of this Indonesian economy.
The development of Indonesia in the eyes of the world
Nevertheless, although in Indonesia itself the economic system is still slightly up and down, if viewed on a global scale or the scale of Internaional growth of the Indonesian economy experienced a pretty good development, step by step continues beyond the various countries that should have a stable economic system. Call it some countries in Asia are classified as having advanced economies such as Singapore who entered into rank 38 and Hong Kong who came into position 41 and also South Korea who entered into the top 13 positions. Some countries In Europe that should have a stable level of economy also turned out to be currently considered less stable in the UK with a ranking in the top 10 and followed by France who entered the top 9, and several other european countries. Currently, Indonesia is in the top 8 rankings of the world, beating some other countries. Surely this is something to be proud of, in the midst of many economic problems that must be resolved. Even if the system of government remains stable and Indonesia's economic system remains stable it is not impossible some time ahead Indonesia's rank will be much better again, continue to rise and reach the stage of prosperity. In the rankings Indonesia won is still inferior to some countries with an excellent economic level such as the United States, China, India, and Japan. These countries do have a fairly prosperous economic level because the foreign exchange system and also the financial system is already neatly arranged. While Indonesia which incidentally still continue to develop its ability of course have a good chance, and indirectly of course this also become new homework ayng for government to remain and continue to make self-improvement to can make Indonesia economy become better again. If this can be done not impossible, in the year 2030 the position of Indonesia in the rankings in the Wold Bank increased to the top 5 and even in the following years will reach the top 4. Hopefully this plan
will be able to run well, so the review of the economic development of Indonesia in the eyes of the world, hopefully can add inspiration and information to